
Ethernet and USB card for the CT60

This board for the CT60 expansion port gives your Falcon 100 Mbit Ethernet and USB 2.0 support (low/full speed)


Using the existing LAN adapters for the Falcon, you should be able to get approx 400 Kbyte/sec. The problem is just that you have to use the cartridge port. This seems to be a great problem for us, because none of the cartridge ports of our falcons are healthy. This results in ~5KB/s transfer rate for us when using the EtherNEC. In the summer of 2004 we grew tired of this and started designing our own network card for the CT60. After a while Rodolphe persuaded us to add USB functionality to the board as well. So in the end the EtherNat ended up to be an Ethernet+USB board for the CT60.

Ethernet features

* 10/100 Mbps Ethernet using the SMSC LAN91C111 controller.
* Mintnet driver for Ethernet. Should work with Magicnet too.

USB features

* 2 channel USB 2.0 support using the Philips ISP 1160 controller.
* Low (1.5Mbps) and Full (12 Mbps) USB speeds are available.
* Uses an USB header cable to let you place the USB connector in your Falcon/tower case where you want them. Bought separately.
* USB driver developed by Jan Thomas. Homepage
* USB peripheral drivers developed by YOU.


The EtherNat is almost finished (June 12th 2005). We have sent the second prototype for manufacturing and then the testing of this prototype shouldn't take very long. Look at our news page for news updates.